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5 Small Steps for a More Sustainable Home

Sustainability should be a goal for all homes. Making a smaller footprint on the environment is good for everyone. Sure, you could install solar panels, switch out all your windows, change your floors. And all those are excellent projects to pursue, but if you’re looking for small changes you can implement right now that will transform your home into a more eco-friendly, sustainable place to be, then this is the post for you!

  1. Change your shower routine (and your shower heads). 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a standard shower head uses up 2.5 gallons of water per minute, or about 20 gallons of water during the average-length shower. First, consider swapping out your shower heads to the low-flow variety and next, keep those showers short and sweet. A fun way to make that happen: Add a bluetooth shower radio to your stall, play your favorite song and when it’s over, so is your shower. 

  • Buy eco-friendly cleaning products (dish soaps, laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent and the like). 

When you keep your products eco-friendly, you reduce the amount of harmful chemicals released into the environment from your daily home activities. 

  • Use online billing.

This one is a little out-of-the-box but it works! How many bills do you get in the mail that you can easily pay online? In fact, for many of those bills you probably already do pay them online! Call the company and request online billing only. You’ll be saving the amount of paper sent your way, and that’s a very sustainable thing. 

  • Check your hoses.

You’d be surprised how often a homeowner checks their hose only to realize it’s been leaking for who knows how long? Check your outdoor hoses and make sure they’re sealed tight! 

  • Swap out all your standard light bulbs for LED bulbs.

Did you know LED light bulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs? Plus, LED bulbs aren’t just more energy efficient, they last longer, too! 

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