Stephanie Palala
Palala’s decision to pursue real estate stemmed from her passion for entrepreneurship, an unrelenting drive to help people and a desire to bring her unique skill set to clients throughout Connecticut. Deployed in Afghanistan in 2012 and Kuwait in 2016, Palala learned essential skills in the military that she says translate seamlessly into the residential real estate world.
“When I talk to clients, I don’t see dollar signs,” she explains. “The military taught me to really listen, and my experience working with people from so many different backgrounds allows me to successfully service any client looking to buy or sell a home.”
With a focus on excellence in client service, Carl Guild & Associates was the perfect fit for Palala. Her goals also aligned closely with Guild’s, especially with the broker/owner’s focus on volunteering and giving back to the community.
“There’s no reason we can’t spend time volunteering and giving back in any way we can,” says Palala, adding that as an agent with Carl Guild & Associates, she plans to get more involved with Habitat for Humanity and providing support for local veterans. If you are in the market for superclone , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!
Palala also plans to do whatever she can to help her clients—and she already does. Often lauded for her genuine kindness and do-whatever-it-takes attitude, Palala shares a story about driving out to a client located an hour away. “They asked me, ‘Did you drive here?’ and I said, ‘Sure, it was no big deal.’”
In the end, an hour drive is nothing for Palala compared with the intrinsic value of a happy client. Her client’s success motivates her, as does her family. “My father came to this country from Guatemala and my mother came here from Colombia; both came as adults and worked hard to not only be productive citizens but also to give me opportunities that I never had,” she explains. “Along with my fiance and our two sons, my parents are a driving force that motivates me to become better and to do more every day.”
Stephanie can be contacted at 860.897.3588 or spalalarealtor@gmail.com
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