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Here’s How to Stage Your Home like a Pro!

Selling a home without a real estate agent is risky business (and only 8% of homes sold last year were closed without the help of an agent). But there are some ways you can be proactive in the home-selling process to get the most value out of your property.

Of course, we can call expert home stagers to create the perfect ambience but you can certainly give your house a head start. We’ve put together five quick tips for staging your home just like a pro:

Add a fresh coat of paint. You’d  be surprised how refreshed a room becomes with just a simple adjustment – new paint. Opt for neutral tones like warm beiges or tones of white so buyers can envision their unique preferences on your blank walls.

Organize your storage spaces. No, a buyer won’t be sold because your spice rack is alphabetized and on a neat turntable, but organized storage spaces present these little nooks and crannies in their best light. Organization equals optimization of every inch, so pantries look larger and closets appear bigger. A neat storage area won’t be THE thing that convinces a buyer to buy, but small changes add up to the big, “Yes, I’ll make an offer!”

Update your decorative rugs. If you have any old area rugs or mats in your bathrooms, upgrading these to brand-new versions can completely transform your room. If your carpet is old, there’s not much you can do about it but you could purchase a thin rug (cotton or jute is always a winning option) large enough to layer on top. If your flooring is a selling point, (buyers love a good hardwood floor)  consider ditching the rugs entirely.

Clean the front and back yards. Two words, one huge differentiator: CURB APPEAL. The phrase means exactly what you’d think, the appeal of your home from the outside, or what buyers see before they’ll even place a foot through your door. For condo owners, this means updating your balcony, if you have one. A clean sweep of the floor and a brush of fabric cleaner on any outdoor furniture goes a very long way. If you have an actual yard, consider planting seasonal flowers to add to the atmosphere as buyers walk up to your front door.

Upgrade the details. What are those details? Small decor to place on tabletops, accent pillows, throw blankets, small decorative sculptures, fresh flowers, new plants, candles, sophisticated storage baskets and more. Think remove the clutter and replace with simple elements.

If you’re not sure where to start when staging your home for sale, let’s talk about it together. We can evaluable exactly the upgrades or tweaks you need and what will give you your best return on your investment, so you get the highest possible price for your home.

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