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Jamie and Shane Owen

It is with great enthusiasm that we write this character reference for Carl Guild. We first became acquainted with Carl when responding to an ad for a new construction that he had listed. It was a Friday night and we called the number on the listing, anticipating leaving a message and having our call returned during “routine” business hours. Within minutes, Carl called us back and it was in that instant, we knew our dealings with him would be anything but routine.

Carl helped us to list our property and gain as much exposure as possible in a tough real estate market. We knew listing our property in a usually slow time of the year was not going to be an easy thing, but Carl was there to keep us calm every step of the way. He was always receptive to our questions, comments, and concerns, no matter how small or anxious they may have been. Within minutes of contacting him, he was always there with a reply or just reassurance that we were on the right track.

Our new home entailed a great deal of coordination between us and the builder. Without fail, Carl was there every step of the way. From advising us of wise choices in making some upgrades to even shopping for our cabinets with us, we knew we would always have an honest and educated opinion with Carl by our side. lf we had an inquiry for the builder, he was right on it and we usually had a reply within the same day.

We could go on and on about the help that Carl gave us during this whole process and it still would not serve due justice for the superior service, advice, and attention to detail he was able to provide. Businessdictionary.com defines professionalism as, “Meticulous adherence to undeviating courtesy, honesty, and responsibility in one’s dealings with customers and associates, plus a level of excellence that goes over and above the commercial considerations and legal requirements.” While we believe this is an accurate definition, in our eyes, it can be defined in two words: Carl Guild.

In the future, we undoubtedly would recommend Carl to anyone looking for success in their real estate transactions.


